Holiday SALE with FREE Shipping!!!

3 Books for $15 ($5.00/bk)
7 books for $28 ($4.00/bk)
13 books for $39 ($3.00/bk)
20 Books for $50 ($2.50/bk)
35 Books for $70 ($2.00/bk)
75 Books for $111 ($1.48/bk)

To Order CALL 424-473-5914 and
EMAIL [email protected]
In the EMAIL please include:
1) Your name 2) Address 3) Phone Number 4) Email (Yes again in the email please)
Payments Methods Accepted:
Zelle: 424-473-5914
CashAp: $GCColoringBook
Credit Card: add 3.15% fee and please call 424-473-5914 to pay by credit
***FREE SHIPPING is in the
Continental USA only***
Pass these out at halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas etc.!!
Church members love to give them away....

for Halloween (next year)

in holiday food baskets

to color together after Thanksgiving dinner

during Black Friday & Christmas shopping

with your holiday cookies for your neighbors

as a gift to all of your service providers

for Christmas gifts and stocking stuffers
... and your neighbors, friends, & family will love to receive them!!