Neighborhood Mass Mailing
Yes! You can mail it!
- This is cheap and easy to mail to your neighborhood!
- When people receive it in their mail, they will be curious because nobody ever gets a coloring book in their mail box!
- The illustrations and text are simple, harmless, and not intimidating, so people are sure to look at it and read it.
- Right away, a “seed” of truth will be planted by your efforts!
- This can be a fun family outreach activity!
Basic Steps
- First be sure to make be friends with your mail carrier! This will prevent your book from going into the garbage!
- Check the USPS EDDM website to look up your zip code to determine how many books you will need to mail.
- Buy your coloring books, cellophane packages, 2 x 4 labels.
- Create a church stamp or buy more labels so that you can put your contact information inside the cover of the books.
- Stamp, package, and place the address label on each book.
- Tell your mail carrier that you are taking coloring books to be mailed to his/her postal route.
- Take your books to your post office and tell them you are mailing them by EDDM retail.
- Expect to receive them in your mail box, and wait to to receive phone calls from people who are curious about the book!
If this ministry is for you, and you would like more information, please call us at 424-473-5914 or e-mail us at [email protected]

More details coming soon!

More details coming soon!

More details coming soon!

More details coming soon!

More details coming soon!