Fundraisers and Sales

- We are happy to support Christian education, organizations, literature evangelists, and Bible workers!
- This page has A LOT OF INFORMATION and will answer most of your questions. So please read all the way to the bottom.
- If you have more questions, call/text (424) 473-5914 to get more information.
- To place your order, enroll in our fundraising program, and be listed on our fundraising page, please E-MAIL [email protected]
- Only those people and organizations that are listed on our fundraising page are permitted to sell or receive donations for books.

It can help your child go to an Adventist school

Young people can request a minimum donation of $10 per book

People of all ages like to color and will be happy to give a young person a donation

Coloring books are self-explanatory and easy to sell

Funds raised can help to pay for a child's tuition

Grow your outdoor education program

Pathfinders and Adventurers can also use it to raise money for camporee

Enhance your science program

Fundraise for band trips or class trips

Raise money for mission trips too!
Things to Consider When Ordering
- How many students are selling? What is your fundraising goal? Do you have other fundraisers?
- To whom will the books be sold? You will be most successful selling to family, church members, friends, co-workers of the parents, neighbors. You can also be successful selling door-to-door if you sell with enthusiasm and use the selling points below.
- What is your budget? How much are you willing to spend upfront?
- Do you have another evangelism/outreach ministry at your church who can combine their order with yours?
- Can you increase your order to lower your initial upfront cost per book?
- Are students going to be allowed to give away books for evangelism as well? (See below for an explanation of this.)
When placing your order please copy, paste, and E-MAIL the answers to these questions to [email protected]
- Please copy the questions below, paste into your e-mail, and fill out the answers to place your order. We will mail the books as soon as we receive your payment. (Small boxes of 50 or 75 take 2 to 5 days to arrive by USPS. Larger boxes are taking up to 2 weeks to arrive by UPS.)
- What is the name of your school or pathfinder club, state, conference, union?
- Name of person ordering:
- The name of the person managing the program (if different from person ordering):
- Mailing address:
- Your email:
- Church or school e-mail:
- Church or school phone number:
- How many students are selling?
- How many sales kits are you buying?
- How many books are you buying? (See the Ministry Store for prices and also check for Special Offers.)
- Yes/No: You understand the reimbursement feature of our program is to help you, and that you are on your honor to reimburse us the difference between what you paid and $2.00. Your reimbursement will only help us to print more books for you to sell in the future. It’s a win-win! So please do help us in return!
It's Easy to Get Started with Our Sales Kits
Schools, organizations, or individuals may purchase a sales kit for $10 per kit. You may want to have one kit per child, or if going two by two, you may choose to have them share one kit for both of them.
You may also DIY your own sales kits and choose not to use certain parts of it. If you would like to buy just one or a few pieces of the kit, our prices and the links for you to purchase the materials are provided below. You can compare your options and decide what is better for your group.

REQUIRED: The promotional flyer asks for a $10 donation per book. This flyer is important to have as the QR code leads the buyer directly to the web page that will have your school/organization listed for permission to sell the book. Please use the ones that we have printed for you. We will mail them to you. Cost: $0.50/sheet

REQUIRED: Students may use this tally sheet, or you can use another tally sheet that is more suitable for your group. You will also want to provide your kids with an envelope or money bag for money collection, and possibly a clipboard. Cost: $0.50/sheet

OPTIONAL: The sales kit also includes a transparent bag with our contact information to carry the books. The bag can carry about 40 books and should be reused for the duration of your sales. You will want to cut a piece of sturdy cardboard for the bottom of the bag because the books are heavy. We can mail these to you, or you may use your own bags. Cost: $2.00/bag

REQUIRED: Please be sure that all books are covered in a cellophane package for selling. This keeps the books tidy and presentable for the customer. We can provide the cellophane packaging or you can buy them on Amazon. We are suggesting that you try to find a volunteer that can help you with this part of the project. Cost: $5.00/50 sleeves

OPTIONAL: The sales kit also comes with a whole book in plastic page protectors to use as a “show folder.” People usually like to look at and handle the book before purchasing, however, this can damage the book. The “show folder” eliminates this problem. We can provide the folders or you can buy them on Amazon. Cost: $2.00/folder

OPTIONAL: The “show folder” has every page of the book displayed from cover to cover. You can purchase this from us, or you can make your own. Save and reuse these folders for your next sale, or you can give them to your church members for door-to-door and other outreach. Cost: $2.00/13 page protectors
How does it work?
- Churches, schools, and pathfinder clubs may buy our books in amount and at the lowest price that works best for their budget.
- The fundraiser promotional flyer asks for a $10 donation per book.
- Children may receive donations from $5 to $20. We hope their donations will average $10 per book.
- Book for literature ministry and fundraising cost $2 each.
- After your sales campaign, you are on you honor to reimburse us the difference between what you paid and $2. This applies only to the number of books that were actually sold.
- No reimbursement is needed for the books that are given away for evangelism.
- Only the schools and clubs listed on our website are permitted to receive donations for our books.
Why do we let you reimburse us instead of collecting a full payment upfront
- We want to help you by providing our books to your school and church for the lowest upfront cost.
- This book is for both fundraising and literature ministry/evangelism.
- Schools & churches can combine their money to purchase together at your lowest literature ministry price and share the books.
- We hope your children can give the books for literature ministry to any person who cannot or will not give them a donation. This way they can give away books a the lowest literature ministry/evangelism price that you can afford to buy.
Selling Points
- This book is non-intimidating, interactive, interesting, easy.
- People of all ages love to color! This book was created for mature children to adults.
- Children will also be excited to get it because they are attracted to the sparkly cover.
- Adult coloring is popular now. Men and Boys also like to color.
- Many senior citizens take up color as they lose ability to do their other hobbies. Those in nursing homes don’t have a lot to do. So coloring is a simple hobby to keep them busy and engaged.
- Many people are coloring for relaxation. Mandala coloring is popular but the repetitive circular patterns are new age and from Eastern religions. So we want to redirect people to color our book instead!
- ALWAYS offer the book even if you don’t see signs of children. Because as we mentioned, people of all ages like to color!
- This is also great for people with English as a Second Language.
- People of all ages are coloring these days and find it to be a relaxing hobby.
- You can buy it for yourself, and it even makes a great gift or stocking stuffer for your friends, neighbors, nieces/nephews, grandkids, co-workers, the mail man…
- Would you like to have this Christian coloring books for a (minimum) donation of $10?
- Question: What is it about? Answer: This book has illustrations depicting a timeline of events from the past to the future. It starts out explaining a little bit about why there is evil in the world, and ends with how we can live in peace with God!
- This is the ONLY COLORING BOOK with TWO full WEBSITES to enhance your coloring experience!
- You can scan on the QR code for each picture to listen to the story and other audio chapters that are related to the book while you color!
- Soon you will even be able to learn to color some of the pictures from tutorial videos on the website!
- Another cool feature is Memorize and Color where you can play the audio and learn chapters of the bible while you color. You can even use these Bible memorization audios while you do any other activity!
- (This is better than selling a bag of popcorn for $10 which can really be bought at the store for $3 consumed in 10 minutes!
- With this book you will have HOURS of fun, learning, and relaxing as you enjoy listening to the story while you color.
- This book with all of its resources is not readily available in most book stores nor on Amazon.
- The publishers of this book support Christian education and organizations. If you scan on the QR code, you will see our school/organization is participating in the fundraising program.
How to be Successful
- Smile and be enthusiastic about this amazing book! One reason people buy is because they like YOU. If you are smiling, happy, and they like you, they will want to help you!
- Another reason people buy is because they like the product. You are selling a great, unique product. Be sure to sell the website! It is a part of the book!
- Emphasize that it makes a great gift for ALL AGES. If they don’t want it for themselves, maybe they can buy as a gift for someone.
- Try the book and websites for yourself so you will know what you are selling and what you like best about the book so that you can share your favorite thing about the book or website.
- Parents should always accompany the children.
- Share ALL of the Website Features!! No other coloring book as these amazing on-line resources and this is a great selling point.
- Adults should take a mobile phone or tablet to actually show the customer the Website. Or ask the customer to look up the website with their phone.
- Tell people this is a fantastic deal because the product is so much more that just a coloring book.
- Tell them don’t be fooled into buying higher priced, fatter coloring books on the market. It might seem like they are paying more money and getting a much bigger 40 page book (for example), but in reality the book has only half the number of actual coloring pages because it’s printed only on one side.
- Our book has illustrations printed on the front and back so they actually get more illustrations than what it might seem at first.
- Call your conference literature ministry or publishing department to get more tips from experienced LEs.
Please visit our store to see the list of prices and buy your books at the lowest upfront cost. We encourage churches and schools (even multiple churches and schools) to purchase together to use the books for church outreach, evangelism, and fundraising. With a larger purchase, schools can buy their books at the lowest upfront cost.